Saturday, April 2, 2011

Pearls of Wisdom

"Looking good and dressing well is a necessity.  Having a purpose in life is not."
--Oscar Wilde

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

do not try this at home

Raise you hand if you want it all.

Ok, now it's going to become difficult for me to type with one hand...
Because we always want it all.  It's been my lifelong quest to find a way to have my cake and eat it too, figuratively and literally.  So one month into my new (slightly deviant) vegan lifestyle I decided to try my hand at low-fat vegan brownies.

She was afraid of that.

Are low-fat vegan brownies too good to be true?
Yes.  They are.
In reality they're awful.

The recipe I found (in which each brownie was only 70 calories!) called for a lot of things I already had in the house--bananas, cocoa powder, agave nectar, pastry flour, black beans...wait black beans?

Basically you toss everything in a blender until smooth, pour into a greased 8x8 and bake at 350 for 25 minutes.  The batter looks almost like it should, it tasted ok, not like a traditional brownie, but like it would get the job done.  Once baked however it looks like, well, bean dip except it was almost flavorless and had a consistency like mushy graham crackers.  It kind of smelled like chocolate, I guess.

But I know there's got to be a way.  Low fat vegan brownies are my new unicorn.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

cappuccino maker

Cappuccino Maker   |kæpʊˈtʃinoʊ ˈmeɪkər|

1.a household appliance used for making cappuccino, an Italian coffee drink made with espresso and milk
 2. having exceptional sexual skill; term derived from Golden Girls S04E14 “Love Me Tender” which can be seen here

usage-Leah was not impressed with his dancing skills, but very impressed with his cappuccino maker.